- Integrative Oncology

Indira Kaur Ahluwalia was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer with and bone metastasis in April 2007. She experienced a lot of pain in her hips and back of her body; later, she had trouble walking. So after taking painkillers, later in March 2007, she discovered a lump in her right breast. That was the time when she felt that this was not normal. She went to an oncologist, and several tests detected breast cancer. She went through four cycles of chemotherapy and opted for mastectomy. She is continuing with Herceptin and taking it after every three weeks.

Her primary support system is spirituality and faith in God. Indira is an entrepreneur and executive at Federal Government in Washington, D.C. She believes that cancer has made her more vigilant, made her responsibilities very clear, and allowed her not to take gratitude for granted. Summing up her journey, she says, "I tried, and I am grateful for every experience".

Find the interview on YouTube here.


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